Annapolis Classic Watercraft, LLC

224 Princess Anne Drive
ChestertownMD 21620
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Business Information

boatbuilding, classic boats, vintage boats, antique boats, boat maintenance, watercraft, marina, Annapolis Classic Watercraft, ACW, Chesapeake Bay boat, wooden boat, Homewood Landing 24, Bill Donahue, runabout, sailboat, boat shop, boatbuilder, boat dealer, EasternShore, Chestertown
Homewood Landing 24 classic-style center console launch Pilothouse School courses and seminars for individuals and organizations
Wooden boat repair, maintenance, and restoration; Fine marine woodcraft; traditional varnish and paint work; hard-to-find traditional marine hardware; training, consultation and advice for enthusiasts.
Recreational marine; classic and vintage boating; wooden boats; antique and classic boats; continuing education; boat maintenance; boat building

Business Description

Annapolis Classic Watercraft,LLC is the premier boatshop in the Chesapeake Bay region catering to classic and vintage boat enthusiasts. ACW was founded in 2002 by lifelong classic boat enthusiast, Bill Donahue. Since then, ACW has restored, maintained, updated, and sold over 120 classic and vintage boats -sail and power, wood and fiberglass ? serving clients world-wide. Our Pilothouse School has offered hands-on training to classic boat enthusiasts. In 2005 ACW began building our own classically styled center console launch, the Homewood Landing 24. Now, to better serve classic boatmen and boatwomen on the Chesapeake Bay, ACW has opened our Eastern Shore Boatshop on the Chester River in Chestertown, Maryland. ACW Eastern Shore offers the same award-winning services that our customers have come to expect: expert wooden boat repair, maintenance, and restoration; fine marine woodcraft; traditional varnish and paint work; hard-to-find traditional marine hardware; training, consultation and advice for enthusiasts.

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