Around The Corner Florist

6003 Main St
Lula, GA 30554
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Customer Reviews (1 reviews)

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Recent Comments

I love people and flowers and watching all my hard work payoff. Adding a positive... (more)
lily22, Feb 17, 2010

The owner of this business has one the biggest and kindest hearts of anyone I have ever... (more)
Tonya W., Feb 17, 2010

I love people and flowers and watching all my hard work payoff. Adding a positive... (more)
lily22, Feb 17, 2010

The owner of this business has one the biggest and kindest hearts of anyone I have ever... (more)
Tonya W., Feb 17, 2010

The owner of this business is very caring and giving willing to help when needed. Very... (more)
grammie, Feb 18, 2010
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