AuctionReady LLC
River Rouge, MI 48218
River Rouge, MI 48218
Fax: (519) 488-3614

Business Information
Auctions, Auction Set-Up, Sales, Machinery, Liquidation2009
American Auctioneer Association
Number 1 Auction Set Up and Management Company in North America
Business Description
We believe we provide the BEST service when handling our customer?s auctions.
AuctionReady offers a full service program including:
-Inventory write-ups and photos for brochures
-Determining what space is needed for your auction? Is it a Theatre Style auction (live auction), Online auction or Walk Through auction? Then creating the perfect space for the sale.
-The Set Up and Clean Up of all assets in your auction.
-And of course, the final step in the Set Up process: photographing and cataloging all your assets for the web.
Also, we provide a Site Management service for Preview days, Sale days and removal of assets. We take pride in working very closely with the accounting staff of the Auction Houses to make sure that ALL items leaving the facility are PAID IN FULL, removed safely and by set end date.
AuctionReady is a very versatile company. We have completed many auctions, in facilities under all sorts of conditions. Our service is offered throughout North America, having done auctions for some of the World?s leading Auction Houses.
Please contact us for more information. We would LOVE to work for you!
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