Azure Medical Supply

Azure Medical Supply - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

drug testing, clia waived, alcohol analyzer, 11 panel cup, 5 panel dip, nida 5, reagent strips, urine, strep, thyroid test, ifobt, urs reader, urinanalysis, analyzers, chemistry analyzers, nicotine tests
Multi -Drug Panel tests, dips, cups, Clia-Waived products. Urine reagent Strips, Pregnancy tests. Urine Analyzer.
Direct drop shiipping, Credit Card orders or 30 day net upon approval, Knowledgible Customer Support
Law enforcement, drug and alcohol treatment centers, methadone clinics, pain management clinics, physicians, employee staffing service, employee drug screening, industrial medicine,
ACC, HIDA, APIC, NIDA, Faces and Voices of Recovery
Presidents Club, Winners Circle

Business Description

Drug testing supply product for physician clinics, pain management, employee screening, staffing and law enforcement, industrial wellness

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