Berkshire Capital
5303 Spine Rd
Boulder, CO 80301
Boulder, CO 80301
Fax: 1-888-210-5051

Business Information
berkshire capital,, bctax, bc tax, 800-867-3955, tax resolution1998
MONDAY | : | 9:00AM | - | 5:00PM |
TUESDAY | : | 9:00AM | - | 5:00PM |
WEDNESDAY | : | 9:00AM | - | 5:00PM |
THURSDAY | : | 9:00AM | - | 5:00PM |
FRIDAY | : | 9:00AM | - | 5:00PM |
Business Description
Bershire Capital represents businesses as well as individuals nationwide that have outstanding tax liabilities with the federal and state taxing authorities. Berkshire Capital's position is to represent the client before the federal and state tax authorities in order to reach a workable, final resolution.
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