Book Bear

80 W Main St
West Brookfield, MA 01585
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Book Dealers-used & Rare, Book Dealers-retail

Customer Reviews (4 reviews)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Mar 24, 2010
The Book Bear is a favorite place for me when I have a few minutes to spare - five dollars will get you enough books for weeks of reading. (more)

Alyssa K.

on Judys Book May 22, 2007
The books in this used bookstore are often in MINT condition but marked down 75% or so. I consistently find books that are about a year old for $7-12 which are selling at other retailers for $30-40. Also their selection... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Aug 28, 2005
The Book Bear has moved into a new building just next door to the old one... With the new building they have everything organized much bette... (more)

Alicia D.

on Judys Book Aug 06, 2005
The Book Bear recently opened a new building next to their old. one. It is much larger and very well laid out. If you want to buy used books or books on tapes that are in excellent condition, this is the place for you. A... (more)

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