Buffalo Downtown Association

19 North Main Street
BuffaloWY 82834
Buffalo Downtown Association - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Buffalo Wyoming, Main Street
The Buffalo Downtown Association is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and an aspiring member of the Wyoming Main Street Program. As such we follow the four pronged approach of the Main Street Program ? Economic Restructuring, Design, Organization, and Promotion. The BDA is structured and organized according to these proven principles for revitalization and development of Main Street.
Economic Development, Business Resources, Grant Writing, Business Assistance, Events, and Promotions.
All downtown businesses located in Buffalo Wyoming.
Certified Wyoming Main Street, Accredited by the National Trust for Historic Preservation
Certified Wyoming Main Street Program, Wyoming Main Street Affiliate Community Award, "Top 10 True Western Towns of 2011" by True West Magazine, This Old House Magazine's "Best Old House Neighborhoods 2012, CNN Travel's "12 best places you've never heard

Business Description

The Mission of The Buffalo Downtown Association is to act as a catalyst for the revitalization of the Downtown Historic District by empowering local people, organizations, and the community to help create a strong, vibrant, and beautiful downtown Buffalo, alive with shops, merchants, restaurants, professionals, green space, and cultural events utilizing the National Main Street Four Point Approach.

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