Circle of Faith African American Breast Cancer Support Group

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education outreach, emotional support, advocacy, early detection, screening, breast cancer facts, preventive measures, breast self-exam, breast cancer patients, survivors, mentoring, resources and referrals, high mortality rate, education, God, religion, support group, African American, disparity
African American Breast Cancer Support Group.
San Diego Padres, Sycuan Casino, The San Diego Chargers
Los Angeles Downtown Marriott, Old Globe Theatre, Albertsons.
Cassandra Countryman was awarded the channel 10 Leadership award in 2008, in 2009 she was a resipient of the president of the united states "President's National Volunteer Service Award"

Business Description

The Circle Of Faith African American Breast Cancer Support Group is committed to reducing the high mortality rate of African Americans diagnosed with breast cancer through advocacy, support, breast health, and information on early detection. The organization also provides a network of support through its monthly support group meetings, wellness programs, and mentoring developed to meet the specific needs of Black women.

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