City Lite Buffet

9679 Lost Knife Rd
Montgomery Vlg, MD 20877
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Customer Reviews (4 reviews)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Sep 08, 2008
Hello All: As a professional Caterer, I do agree I am hard on restaurants and expect nicely prepared food and good taste. But careless fo... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Dec 29, 2006
I have been to City Lite Buttfet many times, and I have enjoyed each visit. This is the best buffet that I have been to in the suburbs of W... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Feb 24, 2006
I'm Chinese and I've obviously had alot of experience with Chinese restaurants. This is one of the most popular Chinese buffets in the Gait... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Aug 25, 2005
This buffet is worth visiting, especially during the lunch hours. Here you can eat a varity of food; from Chinese, to Japanese, to Itialian.... (more)

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