College Planning Boot Camp

8160 Maple Lawn Blvd Suite 200
Fulton, MD 20759
College Planning Boot Camp - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

college planning, online college planning workshop, College Planning Boot Camp, college planning for high school students, college and career planning in the Washington DDC area
Pathevo(R) - an integrated college and career decision support software developed by Owen Software Development Company. Available in the United States only through IntraSpec Associates LLC.
College Planning Boot Camp - online workshop for high school students. Three, one-hour sessions during one week.
Authorized reseller for Pathevo(R)

Business Description

State-certified teachers guide high school students through a series of online, computer-accelerated activities to discover, explore and plan a detailed education pathway to a challenging and rewarding job upon graduation from college with a 2-year or 4-year degree. Activities result in a detailed College Action Plan for discussion with parents and guidance counselors. Appropriate for students in 9th through 12th grades.

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