Community Animal Hospital

Business Information
VeterinariansVeterinary Services
Message from the Business
The Best Training Produces The Best Results
Community Animal Hospital has set the standard for progressive, state-of-the-art veterinary care in New Jersey, providing expert advice and services that our community - and other veterinarians- have depended on for over 30 years.
From reliable check-ups to healing a sick or injured pet, you can be confident you've made a wise choice.
*One Stop Animal Health Care
*No Referral Needed For Our Vet Specialists
*Just Walk In Our Door To Speed Your Pet To Health
We are conveniently located to service the greater surrounding areas of Denville, Parsippany and Morristown.
Wellness and Preventative Medicine-Community Animal Hospital recommends annual physical examinations of your pets in order to live longer, healthier lives. A wellness exam includes a thorough physical exam so that any problems or abnormalities can be addressed early on.
Ultrasounds - is a completely safe,noninvasive test used to visualize the internal organs. We can also observe the heart and monitor it's function and best determine the effectiveness and the need for therapy. Liver, kidney, and other internal organs can be evaluated and tumors or other abnormalities assesed.
Endoscopy - is a useful tool for examining inside internal organs such as the stomach and intestines. The nasal cavity and urinary bladder are also accessable. This allows us to view these organs and sometimes eliminate the need for surgery. Sometimes items that have been swallowed by your pet can be removed without a surgical procedure as well.
Community Animal Hospital has Board Certified Internists on staff and has a Board Certified Surgeon for Orthopedic Procedures. We also provide Dental Care for your pet
Community Animal Hospital Doctors:
Dr. Warren Davis
Dr. Warren Davis is the owner of the Community Animal Hospital and is board certified in internal medicine. He is the only board certified internal medicine specialist in Morr
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