Community Feed Store, Inc.
75 VT-123 PO Box 36
Westminster, VT 05158
Westminster, VT 05158
Fax: 802-722-9852

Business Information
Community Feed Store, Westminster VT, Blue buffalo, canidae, blue seal, poulin grain, taste of the wild, natural balance, yankee candleDog & cat food, pet supplies, wild bird seed & feeders, farm supplies & animal feed, and lawn & garden supplies
We deliver animal feed, bagged shavings, and straw to the southern Vermont and New Hampshire areas
Farm & Pet
MONDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 5:00PM |
TUESDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 5:00PM |
WEDNESDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 5:00PM |
THURSDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 5:00PM |
FRIDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 5:00PM |
SATURDAY | : | 8:00AM | - | 4:00PM |
Business Description
We are a farm & home business located in southern Vermont. We sell animal feeds, pet food & supplies, wild bird seed, and more...
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