Council of Neighborhood Associations

Business Information
Pasco County, Civic, Condo, Homeowner, Associations, districts, local, government, Florida, legislature, New Port Richey, Membership, Property Appraiser, Code Enforcement, Attorney, Insurance, Professional, Not-for-profitCONA's accomplishments, mowing ordinance, unlicensed cars trucks, short term rental policy, bench ordinance, uniforms and badges for code enforcement, change to state law 689.26, bill board ordinance, sign ordinance, landscape ordinance, tree ordinance, dock ordinance.
To assist the Pasco County Civic, Condo, Homeowner Associations and special districts with understanding and operating within the guidelines set by law and to be aware of changes in the law; the ability to utilize monthly meetings to share mutual problems and solutions amongst other community members as well as with other dignitaries; the convenient accessibility to important resources; to implement ideas and guarantee results and compromises that can be shared and utilized within one's own condo, civic, or homeowner association.
CAI Suncoast Chapter, CEOMC of Florida, Management and Associates
Business Description
CONA is a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to promote the general welfare and unity of Pasco County Civic, Condo, Homeowner Associations and special districts, in order to disseminate information and education to these Associations, promote the common good and collectively represent the interests of these groups before local and state governmental bodies.
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