Damsel in Defense - Jessica Entel

Damsel in Defense - Jessica Entel - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Damsel in Defense, Jessica Entel, Dazzling Damsels, women self defense products, stun guns, pepper sprays, security items, child safety, women safety, door alarms, women defense, road tools, kubotan, personal alarm, safe and sassy.
We have stun guns, pepper sprays and other security items available. They are products designed for women by women.
Empower women with confidence to protect themselves and their family. Equip them with the tools to do so. Educate them with the knowledge they need to stay smart and safe.
Dazzling Damsels

Business Description

Damsel in Defense is about equipping women with the tools to not only keep them safe but also to give them the confidence to know that they have a way out if they ever feel threatened. We are very excited about our affordable and adorable line of products. Damsel in Defense has the products and fact-based education that can and does save lives. I am willing to do vendor shows and parties in Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska and Colorado. I can come to you for your convenience. We have no location or set business hours.

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