Dees Handmade Crafts and Gifts

1150 Rogers Rd
CassattSC 29032

Fax: 803 432-0399
Dees Handmade Crafts and Gifts - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Unique Handmade tissue box, jewelry boxes, towel holders, kitchen items, toilet paper holders, banks, custom storage containers, desk sets for the office, gift boxes, table toppers, handmade gifts of all kind, plastic canvas, toys, wall hangings, bathroom, crafts, office
Unique handmade tissue boxes, Jewelry box, banks, table toppers, storage boxes, gifts of all kinds,bathroom, office, crafts, kitchen, children items
We try to please all our customers. . Customer satisfaction a must, returns guranteed.
Merchant Circle, FNO Festival Net work, American Crafters Showcase
merchant circle, FNO Festival Network. American Crafters Showcase

Business Description

Everything handmade with plastic canvas. Everything made with personalized touch, and a practicle use.

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