EcoNomics, Inc.
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Business Information
AB 939 Compliance, Sustainability, Recycling, Diversion Program Implementation, AB 341 Implementation, AB 32 Implementation, Solid Waste and Recycling Consultants, Green Business, Orange County, Resource Management, Zero Waste Plans, Climate Change Consultants, Recycling and Solid Waste Contract Procurement and Negotiations, Sustainability Planning, Diversion Program Planning and Implementation, CalRecycle Reporting, Waste Characterizations, Food Waste Diversion, Multi-family Recycling, Business RecyclingConsulting, Environmental Compliance, AB939 Compliance Reporting, AB341 Implementation Compliance, Diversion Program Implementation, Multi-family Diversion Program Implementation, Large Generator Diversion Program Implementation, Procurement, Negotiations, RFP Process, Contract Management, Rate Setting, Rate Audits, Waste Characterizations, Educational Outreach, School Diversion Program Implementing, Food Scrap Diversion Implementation, Carbon Footprinting, Waste Audits, Resource Management, Zero Waste, Municipal Climate Change Plans,
Recycling, Sustainability, Municipal Services, State Government, Environmental Compliance, Solid Waste
California Resource Recovery Association, Californians Against Waste
MONDAY | : | 9:00AM | - | 5:00PM |
TUESDAY | : | 9:00AM | - | 5:00PM |
WEDNESDAY | : | 9:00AM | - | 5:00PM |
THURSDAY | : | 9:00AM | - | 5:00PM |
FRIDAY | : | 9:00AM | - | 5:00PM |
Business Description
Our team specializes in the design and implementation of recycling programs for residential curbside, commercial/industrial generators, yard waste, food waste, construction and demolition waste, household hazardous waste, electronic waste, universal waste and other diversion programs. A cornerstone of these projects is our ability to accurately characterize the types and quantities of recyclable materials available in a jurisdiction's or a business?s waste stream and to design the most cost effective method for diverting these materials for recycling and reuse. To support these programs EcoNomics prepares AB 939 public education and outreach programs utilizing printed material, videos, CD-ROM's, DVD?s and other multimedia technology.
EcoNomics supports cities and counties with AB 939/SB 1016/AB 341 compliance issues including preparation of Annual Reports, SB 1016 per capita calculations, and Base Year Requests. Our goal is to create synergistic recycling and solid waste systems in each jurisdiction such that the hauler contracts, the garbage rates, AB 939/SB 1016/AB 341 diversion requirements, local ordinances, landfill contracts and all other aspects of the system operate harmoniously to divert materials for recycling in the most cost-effective manner possible. We strive to build in checks and balances so that the municipality can readily administer the collection and landfill contracts and monitor AB 939/SB 1016 compliance on a monthly and annual basis. The EcoNomics team has also worked with several cities to design and construct transfer stations and materials recovery facilities that serve regional areas.
Our team has extensive experience in conducting rate reviews and cost reviews for solid waste and recycling services. We understand the field logistics and practical operational issues involved in providing solid waste and recycling collection and processing services. We also have experience with calculation of profit and return-on- equity as well as in allocation of costs within a single company when services are provided to multiple jurisdictions, and among multiple companies owned by the same partners. We have assisted numerous jurisdictions in evaluating the cost of existing services and in negotiations for existing, new and expanded services.
We have also assisted several cities (cities of Napa, Tustin and Rancho Mirage) with automation of their collection services and in addressing the associated changes in costs, logistics and rates for these services. The EcoNomics team has assisted cities with rate setting and in re-structuring rates to pay for new and expanded services. We have also assisted cities in re-structuring rates to provide economic incentives to customers to divert solid waste.
Our team assists cities in sole source franchise negotiations, rate reviews and preparation of RFP documents for procuring solid waste and recycling services.
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