Eileen DeLorenzo Storyteller
3815 West Remus Rd
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858
Fax: NA

Business Information
Eileen, DeLorenzo, Storyteller, Storytelling, Thinking Maps?, Classroom, Programs, Workshops, Literacy, Engaging, Performer, Libraries, Folktales, Books, Connections, Imagination, Stories, Teachers, EducationPrograms and Workshops include: "Let's Tell Stories" for Early Literacy," and "Visualizing, Thinking Maps?" and Writing," Around The World Folktales - PreK-3, 4-6, Tricksters, Clever Women, Cobblers and Kings, Michigan Tall Tales - Grades 3-6, Under the Same Sky - Grades 5-Adult
45-90 minute Storytelling Programs and Workshops, Early Literacy Development Storytelling for PreK-Grade 2 Classroom Storytelling with Thinking Maps? K-8 Summer Library Reading Programs, Assemblies, Community Events
Education, ELA National Common Core Standards, Community Events, School PTA, Youth Programs, Character Building, Bully Prevention, Storytelling Conferences, Mid-Michigan Area Storytellers (MAST), NSN, Northlands Storytelling Network, Michigan Storytelling Events, MIStory, Wheatland Music Organization, Michigan Arts and Humanities Touring Directory, Grace A. Dow Memorial Library, Tellebration!
Mid-Michigan Area Storytellers (MAST), NSN, Northlands Storytelling Network, Michigan Storytelling Events, MIStory, Wheatland Music Organization, Michigan Arts and Humanities Touring Directory, Grace A. Dow Memorial Library, Tellebration!
Mid-Michigan Area Storytellers (MAST) Northlands Storytelling Network Conference Presenter, , Wheatland Music Organization Community Outreach Program, Michigan Arts and Humanities Touring Directory,
Business Description
An engaging performer, educator and classroom storyteller Eileen's stories entertain while connecting listeners in shared experiences. A teller of world folktales, Michigan tall tales and personal stories of struggles and victories, foils and follies come to life in vivid imagery. Interactive classroom storytelling programs and workshops for students, educators, and librarians are rich with wisdom, humor and song. Programs support teachers in meeting National Common Core Standards from Early Literacy Development to English Language Arts.
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