Ficus Tree Publishing, LLC
3350 NE 12 Avenue 70600
Oakland Park, FL 33307
Oakland Park, FL 33307

Business Information
contractor's license practice tests, OSHA tests, contractor's license study guide, building code practice tests, building code study guides, IRS tax code practice tests, IRS tax code study guidesWe are college professors, lecturers, educational-technical writers, authors and publishers of our in-house copyrighted Works. We have over forty (40) years in engineering design of process piping systems, environmental pollution abatement systems, force main systems, floor control structures, high rise construction and code enforcement. We provide downloadable, at-home home-study contractors license practice tests consisting of a minimum of sixty (60) multiple-choice test type question at an inexpensive cost. Much of the testing information we create is based upon publications identified and listed as being in the Public Domain. However, our work is created, original and is therefore protected by United States and International Copyright Laws.
We sell electronic educational-technical workbooks of multiple-choice tests based on the needs of our customers, clients and students. ALL released and approved tests can be downloaded to any desktop or laptop and printed for home study anywhere in the Unites States, Canada and across the globe. All basic downloadable multiple-choice tests are available at an inexpensive cost to the customer, client, and student.
An summary of our work includes the Accessibility Code, the Energy Code, green Building Code, Accounting Procedures, Our test sets for the Architectural Contract Documents, The Building Codes, Contractor Licensing Laws and regulations, Estimating (Walker's), IRS Tax Law and Regulations, Labor Laws and Regulations including the Fair Labor Standards Act and Davis- Bacon Act, Materials of Construction, OSHA Parts 1903, 1904, 1910 and 1926, Reinforcing Steel (REBAR), Reinforced Concrete Construction, Masonry Construction, Roofs and Roof Top Structures and more in progress.
Chief Building Inspector, college professors, lecturers, educational-technical writers, authors, publishers
Business Description
We at Ficus Tree Publishing provide inexpensive home study contractors license practice test. Our OSHA tests, building code tests, and more follow general sequential format in a manner that parallels each word, sentence, paragraph, section and chapter within the required text. We provide detailed easy to read and east to study multiple-choice test type questions for the basic materials of construction across the United States
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