Forest Hill Lanes
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Bowling Centers, Bowling Apparel & AccessoriesBowling Apparel
Customer Reviews (19 reviews)
Guest G.
on Judys Book Nov 04, 2011its amazing i have been bowling in maryland since i was 12 at bel air bowl then here at forest hill. and for the most part have enjoyed my time at Forest Hill, but this yr the lanes have been breaking down on a regular basis... (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Jan 31, 2010My wife and went to play a game or two and then pay for my sons birthday party in advance, my staff was rude and very non social I asked to ... (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Oct 15, 2009Bowling at Forest Hill is way to expensive! Most folks can't afford to take a family there. With the price of gas jumping 15cents in 2 days... (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Oct 04, 2009We took our four children there plus our one niece and had a GREAT time! The prices are comparable to other lanes and the bottom line is, if... (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Aug 07, 2009I went to Forest Hill Lanes today with my three boys for open bowling, despite reading all the negative comments first-we decided to see for... (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Jul 31, 2009the management is on 24/7 PMS... they think leaving the A/C off is a good idea... they don't give a damn if you stick or fall... there's no ... (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Jul 31, 2009i hated them lanes absolute terrible people and bad lanes i bowled a 130 take my advice i have been bowling for over 10 years and these lane... (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Jun 26, 2009Forest Hill Lanes is the worst bowling alley I have even been to. The prices are outrageous, $11 a game, what a rip off. The employees are... (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Jan 02, 2009I moved here from New Orleans, and if you want to see a BAD alley, go there. Forest Hill Lanes are excellent in comparison. I've never enc... (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Jan 23, 2008For the several, infrequent times I have been at FHL, I have been very happy with the experience. It's clean, the shoes in great condition,... (more)