Forever Companions Pet Loss Services, LLC

Business Information
Inexpensive, affordable, cheap Connecticut pet cremation services, burial services, funeral services, memorial services, loss services, euthanasia services, aftercare services, pet cremation urns, caskets, cremation jewelry, bracelets, pendants, keepsakes, advanced planning for petsPet cremation urns, caskets, jewelry, keepsakes, memory chests, bracelets, pendants
Services available 24 hours a day 7 days a week to assist you in the final disposition of your cherished companion.
Veterinarians, Animal Rescue Foundation, Animal Welfare Organization, The Humane Society
Business Description
We are a 24/7 Pet Loss and aftercare provider service offering pet cremation and pet burial services to pet parents. Owned and operated by a Connecticut licensed funeral director. We offer grief counseling services by a certified grief support specialist. Pet euthanasia services are available. We tend to house calls and provide services from all veterinarians throughout Connecticut.
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