Gertrude Hawk Chocolates

Sangertown Mall
New Hartford, NY 13413
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Business Information

Candy & Confectionery-retail
Candy Stores

Customer Reviews (4 reviews)

dylan t.

on Judys Book Apr 16, 2006
A trip to the mall means a stop in to see the folks at Gertrude Hawk. Have you ever been there if not what are you waiting for Chocolate dipped bananas and strawberries,and caramel dipped apples.Yum can you taste it yet .... (more)

by dylan t. at Judy's Book

on Citysearch Apr 15, 2006
A trip to the mall means a stop in to see the folks at Gertrude Hawk. Have you ever been there if not what are you waiting for Chocolate dipped bananas and strawberries,and caramel dipped apples.Yu...... (more)

Kelly S.

on Judys Book Apr 06, 2006
Located inside the Sangertown Square mall in New Hartford, NY - this chain candy store although small in size features some rather tasty confections. One of their most well known candies is the Smidgen, which are... (more)

by Kelly S. at Judy's Book

on Citysearch Apr 05, 2006
Located inside the Sangertown Square mall in New Hartford, NY - this chain candy store although small in size features some rather tasty confections. One of their most well known candies is the Smidge...... (more)

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