Henry Persan & Sons Hardware

79 Division St
Sag Harbor, NY 11963
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Home Improvement Stores

Customer Reviews (3 reviews)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Aug 16, 2009
I find the prices rightand the staff very helpful at this hardware store. Far far more reasonable in every manner than the hardware store in... (more)

Dan B.

on Judys Book Aug 14, 2005
You can set up a monthly account if you are often at the hardware store. Two blocks up from the water in Sag Harbor, Bob Persan will order anything out of Lewis Marine (East End Marine) or Kellog Marine for delivery the... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch May 30, 2005
When you need some assistance with a project - this is the place to go. Everyone working there is knowledgeable and helpful, whether you ne... (more)

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