Hospitality Goddess

8 North Washington St
North Attleboro, MA 02760

Fax: 5086996299
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Business Information

Service, Event Planning, Concierge, Estate, Residence, Home/Office, Corporate, Event Planner, Organizing, Personal Assistant, Hire/Supervise/Train/Maintain Staff, Global Concierge, Event Management, Calendar Management, Arrange Travel, Dinner Parties, Event Liasion, Arrange Dinner Reservations
Hospitality Goddess, LLC North Attleboro, MA 02760 United States ph: 508.699.6299 fax: 508.699.6299

Business Description

Hopitality Goddess is here to serve. Whether you are looking for help in an estate, residence, or corporation. This service will give you more time to spend enjoying other activities and the people that matter to you! My specialty is serving others in a warm, cordial and elegant manner. I am here to help guests organize, and prioritize their lives while maintaing peace and serenity. Hospitality Goddess is committed to bringing the high end services into every endevour. Everyone is treated like VIP guests. Hospitality Goddess brings extensive training and experience to make your busy life more manageable. Don't spend another minute on a mundane task . There is a wide variety of services that this company provides. I invite you to a complimentary consultation. Please take a moment to browse through the list of extensive services, located on the Services page. I look forward to serving you! ?

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