Julio L. Matta, LLC


Fax: 301-884-7251
Julio L. Matta, LLC - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

HR Consulting Services, HR Mediation, EEO Invetigations

Business Description

Established in 2010, Julio L. Matta, L.L.C., provides professional HR consulting services in EEO compliance and its statutory correlation to Human Resources, EEO Counseling and Investigations, HR/EEO Policy Development and Implementation, HR mediation, Facilitation, Executive Management Training, and additional Private Investigations and Legal Services. J. L. Matta, L.L.C's extensive knowledge and experience is backed by a proven track record that focuses on our clients' strategic goals and objectives that develops and encourages a transformational leadership mindset that embraces proactive, innovated, and progressive management solutions. Our team of professional Human Resources, Labor, Civil Rights, and Investigative Practitioners, provides the expertise that will strengthen your organization with the bedrock necessary to increase organizational understanding for workforce diversification, and the importance of implementing strong recruitment programs to globalize your internal workforce. These initiatives open organizational opportunities for implementing participative management programs leading to attracting, developing, and retaining top talent. As your organization enters the 21st century, sustaining a competitive edge over your competition and maintaining a sound trend towards economic growth will be vital to succeed in this global economy. J. L. Matta, L.L.C., provides expert guidance on HR/EEO compliance initiatives, including EEO investigations, reducing corporate/organizational profit losses generated through unnecessary and costly litigation, reducing employee turnover and redirecting our client's perspective towards their most valuable assets: their "Human Capital." Our team of professional practitioners will provide expert guidance emphasizing on compliance through leadership, competency, and knowledge, which will increase your organization's overall productivity and global competitiveness. Our program goal is to assist your organization in achieving the competitive confidence to diversify your workforce and expand opportunities for progressive innovations on marketing your product and/or services globally. We provide you with the tools to develop recruitment, and compliance programs to build a representation of your market share through your internal workforce. When your organization embraces workforce diversification, you increase your national and global awareness to your market share and open your organization to a revenue-growth environment. At Julio L. Matta, L.L.C., our team of professional practitioners will provide your organization expert guidance through "Progressive Business Solutions for the 21st Century."

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