Legacy Dance Studio

635 Hayward Ave N
Oakdale, MN 55128
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Dancing Instruction

Customer Reviews (4 reviews)


on Citysearch Apr 05, 2008
I have danced at Legacy Dance Studio since it opened ten years ago. I have really learned alot from all the teachers. Its a very good studio to Dance for! The teachers are nice and the Dancers are friendly!!... (more)


on Citysearch Jan 02, 2008
The correct address for legacy is 635 Hayward Ave N, they built a new studio 3 or 4 years ago. I really like the teachers and think Angie and Eileen run the studio great! They are both really nice and the other kids are VERY... (more)


on Citysearch Mar 15, 2007
I danced at 2 local studios and I am 100% sure that they were the best studio. I have danced for 11 years and when I started at Legacy, I was immediately welcomed. They took extra time to get me caught up and made sure that I... (more)


on Citysearch Nov 23, 2005
I spent the last few years of high school dancing with this studio. It was the best dance experience I have had in the ten years that I have been dancing. Highly recommended! (more)

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