Longe And Sons Solid Surfaces

PO Box 9 508 Lakeshore
FreebornMN 56032
Longe And Sons Solid Surfaces - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Granicrete, resurface, counter top, marble, granite, floor, bathroom, kitchen, landscape rock, travertine, sink, remodel, decorative
countertops, floors, showers ,granicrete, kitchen ,garage floors ,driveway ,resurfacing . landscape rock ,basement floors ,sinks, personalized rocks ,cement decks ,bars ,fireplaces ,solid.
resurfaceing, home improvements, landscaping, flooring, personalized, rocks, countertops, dressers, endtables, resurfacing, fireplaces mantle resurfacing.

Business Description

Family owned business, Certified Granicrete Installer, Serving all areas of southern Minnesota and Northern Iowa. Very good with design and colors.

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