MCA Coastal Region
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Business Information
Travel Emergency Roadside Assistance, Emergency services, AAA Services, Towing Service, Roadside Assistance, AAA Auto Service, MCA Roadside, Boat Trailer Emergence Assistance, Tvc Matrix, Motor Club of America, Travel Assistance, Flat Tire Service, Dead Battery, Dually Emergency Roadside Assistance, Livestock Trailer Emergence Roadside Assistance, Farm equipment stolen reward, Daily Hospital Benefits, Emergence Benefits, Free vision Discount, Free Dental Discount Prescription DiscountMCA Total Security membership $19.95 monthly include $80 referral paid for each referral - Payday every Friday. MCA Total Security Platinum $39.95 (TVC Matrix) Same services as listed here with extended legal and other benifit. You will receive $80 for each referral paid each Friday. Also you will receive residual income for life as a TVC Matrix Associate. See website for more information. TVC pro-Driver - Covers Commercial Vehicle Moving & non-moving violation representation Cash Appearance Bond Pre-existing Tickets Serious Traffic Violations All Other Legal Matters $5,000 Police Bail Bond Discount Services Divers License Protection 25% Legal Discount Earn Rewards Program! Like Discover Card, American Express and other cash-back programs. Any time your rewards exceed $10.00. You receive a check! All memberships listed here will give you your own website with a back office to track your activities with referrals etc.
emergency road Assistance, AAA Road Service, Roadside Towing Assistance, Flatbed Towing, Motorhome towing, Motorcycle Roadside Assistance, RV emerency roadside Assistance, Motocycle Towing Assistance, Bail Bond, Dually over 1 Ton Roadside Assistance, Accidental Death Benefits, Credit Card Protection, Daily Hospital Benefits, Travel Assistance Programs, Membership incentive programs,
Emergency Auto Towing, Bail Bond, Legal Automotive Service for drivers, Accidental Death, Travel, Hospital Benefit, Vision, prescription and Dental Discount cards, Stolen vehicle recovery, Credit Card Protection
Business Description
Motor Club of America
Since 1929 86 years over 9 Million members
Protection for You at Work, Home, Play & Travel
Unlimited 24/7/365 Emergency Roadside Services
Unlimited Towing (Up to 100 miles)
Unlimited Fuel, Flat, and Lock out services!
$500 Travel Assistance (50 miles from home)-
Car Rental, Hotel, Food money to you.
$5000 Emergency Room Coverage
$500 Emergency Room Coverage (Money to you)
$54,000 Yearly Hospital Coverage $150 per day from day 1
paid directly to you.
Up to $2,000 Lawyer Fees
Arrest Bond $500 (Just show Back of membership card)
Up to $25,000 Bail Bond
$50,000 Death Benefits
Prescription, Dental, & Vision Discounts!
Plus Paid - $80 referral for each referral paid every Friday.
All These Services only $19.95 a month
(see website for more details.
Special Offer! Join now from the website and receive a "FREE 3 days/2 Nights Resort Stay! from a choice of 22 destinations! Not ready to sign up - we will still give you our "FREE Offer" for just "liking Us" and telling your friends. They will all receive our "FREE Offer".
For more information:
Call: (866) 667-3343 or Email us with a "Like"
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