EXP0 MICHIGAN pop up shops, Crafts, Exhibitors, Vendors Show

EXP0 MICHIGAN  pop up shops, Crafts, Exhibitors, Vendors Show  - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

Michigan, Arts, Crafts, Ceramics, Painting, Pottery, Knitting, Weaving, Stained Glass, Jewelry, hand crafted items, exhibitors, vendors, road shows, new products
Art, Crafts, Paintings, Pottery, Ceramics, Knitting, Entrepreneurs, Exhibitors, Vendors, Businesses
Exhibit Show Shell local businesses, products, services
Disability agencies exhibit free. Help promote the events to local news media and post on social media.
Oakland County Business Association Inc Michigan

Business Description

EXPO MICHIGAN pop up shops 400 vendor spaces 100 every weekend Thanksgiving until Christmas 2022 8x8 spaces with table, chairs, cloth inside LAKESIDE MALL Fridays 3-7 Saturdays 11-7 Sundays 12-5 EXPO MICHIGAN MARKETPLACE 2021 For Immediate Release CONTACT: Shirley Oakland County Business Association Inc Michigan 248-599-2461 EXPOMichigan@gmail.com EXPO MICHIGAN MARKETPLACE 2021 - FOR EVERYONE TO EXHIBIT AND PROMOTE: LOCAL BUSINESSES, ARTISTS, CRAFTERS, ENTREPRENEURS AND EXHIBITORS, opens ?Black Friday, November 26 from 10-7. Then Saturdays 10-7 and Sundays 12-5, November 27-28, December 4-5, 11-12, 18-19, event ends Friday, December 24, 2021, from 10-5. *Oakland County Business Association of Michigan has hosted expos since 2012 at locations throughout southeast Michigan. Events benefit Michigan handcrafters, local businesses and the handicapped ? ALL crafters welcome! Southfield, MI ? The Oakland County Business Association of Michigan, a non profit organization will host another great EXPO MICHIGAN marketplace 2021, previously events in malls: ENTREPRENEURS EXPO, Small Business FAIR, Michigan Crafters Marketplace featuring handcrafted items by Michiganders and people with disabilities, entrepreneurs, exhibitors, local and new businesses, and more. The event will be held inside a large retail store, 30,000 feet in Southfield on Telegraph Road or Novi on Novi Road, prime shopping areas. Set up a store for your business. Spaces are 10 feet by 10 feet, spaced 10 feet apart. Set up Wednesday before Thanksgiving 3-7 pm, leave your exhibit up for 30 days. Two for one admission. Admission is $5 per person, everyone over 12, CASH ONLY. Coupons available online, make copies, print and bring. EXPO MICHIGAN marketplace 2021, features many handcrafted items made by handicapped and non-handicapped people from around the state. It?s a way to help those individuals with a handicap sell their items and get exposure to the public. Other Entrepreneurs EXPOS, since 2012 have been quite successful with over 100 exhibitor?s booths and large crowds throughout the day. $5 DISCOUNT for shoppers. Redeem paid $5 admission at participating exhibitors for $5 DISCOUNT on $30 retail purchase, limit 1 coupon discount per transaction. ?The goal of this event is to offer local people starting a new business or making products an opportunity to exhibit to public in a community setting.? Disability agencies exhibit Free. These events provide a regular opportunity for everyone to exhibit or present a micro-enterprise business opportunity. These EXPOs attract artists, authors, crafters, designers, direct sales, home based businesses, small businesses and services. A great opportunity for new businesses to get attention in the community. All previous exhibitors from events at: Atrium, Sam?s Club, Laurel Park Place, Oakland Mall, Macomb Mall, Partridge Creek Mall, Tel Twelve, set up a store, only $99 for November 25 to December 24, 2021. For information, please contact Shirley at 248-599-2461, leave a message. Email to: EXPOMichigan@gmail.com Special offer reserve space in advance for discount. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/142044144861 # # # art crafts decor, gifts hats jewelry & more! Open a pop up shop, 1 weekend or more, inside 30,000 foot store crafts, exhibitors, vendors, businesses Anyone from Michigan can show and sell your hand crafted items. Featuring many items made in Michigan by people with disabilities.

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