Northern Michigan Waterfront Properties

Business Information
log cabins for sale in Michigan, Northern Michigan cabins for sale, Lake Superior homes for saleBusiness Description
This amazingly beautiful, rustic, one of a kind log cabin for sale in Michigan is built on a solid rock bluff, overlooking the southern shores of Lake Superior, and Lake Independence, in Michigans beautiful Upper Peninsula! This area of Big Bay Michigan, near the Huron Mountain Forest club (See Mountain Club at page bottom) is truly some of the last frontier of the USA, not including Alaska. ! This beautiful Log Cabin; with its 816 sq. ft. of living space, was built in 2009 by some of the very best Amish Mennonite wood workers.
This Northern Michigan cabin for sale boasts 120 acres of very valuable Red Oak trees with scenic trails going through the mountainous terrain. Theres a second large rock shelf not far from the cabin with the same great building potential if more is needed. Theres a fairly deep; six inch well, not far from the cabin and a complete septic system just waiting for easy hook-up. Did I mention that the Cabin has the perfect conditions for solar or wind generated power.
On the top of the cabin is an authentic outlook deck, and on the very top an octagon Cupola with a million- dollar view .The cabin has an 8 x 32 open deck, 6 x 32 porch; the chinking is "Sancho Log Jam" and the logs have been stained for longevity from ABR products, which include a 7 year warranty. Rustic interior is left unfinished so you can add your own personal touch. The original workers are available if you may need any more of the same construction, or something altered.
The Upper Peninsula is an untouched habitat for Wildlife such as bear, deer and turkey etc. A few miles away, the Yellow Dog River winds through the hills and is known for its fabulous trout fishing. The Huron Mountain Club, mentioned in the previous chapter is a private owned club whose land holdings, located in Marquette County, in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, boasts one of the largest areas of primeval forest in the Great Lakes region. The club was founded to create a remote hunting and fishing paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. The property which is also used for research in field biology and geology has several lakes and around 10,000 acres of old-growth forest. A gentleman named Aldo Leopold produced a plan for preserving the tract in 1938. The research facility now at Ives Lake had its beginnings in the 1960s, and then soon landed in the hands of Huron Mountain Forest Club.
My Friend; if you're looking for the perfect retirement and recreation spot, look no further, this is it! Call today to learn more about Lake Superior homes for sale.
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