Pacific Theaters Vineland

443 Vineland Ave
City Of Industry, CA 91746
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First Run Movie Theaters

Customer Reviews (40 reviews)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Feb 20, 2010
The Vineland has aLways been a classic on la puente, I've lived in puente all my life sure it has it's bad parts and ganster parts but overa... (more)


on Yahoo Nov 25, 2009
Reviewed from Yahoo! Movies: We can watch two movies for the price of one. You can make a picnic out of it and the kids love it. (more)

a Yahoo! Local User

on Yahoo Nov 14, 2009
Reviewed from Yahoo! Movies: i loved it brings back so many childhood memories (more)

chia drive a hachie roku

on Yahoo Nov 13, 2009
Reviewed from Yahoo! Movies: I LIKE IT VERY RETRO AND NOT TO DAMN EXPENSIVE (more)

a Yahoo! Local User

on Yahoo Oct 17, 2009
Reviewed from Yahoo! Movies: MY SON LOVES TO GO IN THE TRUNK...LOL.....FREEBIE!!!!!!! LOL..... (more)

a Yahoo! Local User

on Yahoo Sep 15, 2009
Reviewed from Yahoo! Movies: I love going with my boyfriend, its fun, private, and a cheap date! (more)

a Yahoo! Local User

on Yahoo Aug 15, 2009
Reviewed from Yahoo! Movies: shot out to one of the last drive ins this is nick walker and i took my wife tamika walker and we enjoy the whole experience (more)

a Yahoo! Local User

on Yahoo Jul 23, 2009
Reviewed from Yahoo! Movies: I love that there is still a drive-in. I was taken as a kid so many times. Now I'm able to take my children. Most of all you get to watch two movies for the price of 1 & the best time to go is on a hot... (more)

a Yahoo! Local User

on Yahoo Jul 14, 2009
Reviewed from Yahoo! Movies: this is a nice drive to go along and it is really interesting. May be people would go and enjoy the drive (more)

a Yahoo! Local User

on Yahoo Jun 13, 2009
Reviewed from Yahoo! Movies: I love this drive-in. You get to watch 2 movies sometimes 3 in the comfort of your own car. u can bring the family or take a date. its perfect for both.... (more)
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