Pamper Cakes

Pamper Cakes - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

baby, babyshower, pregnant woman, expecting, newborn, diapers, hospital, gifts, toys, basket
Diapers shaped into a cake with various items for babies made into an elegant basket. We have tweety bird, bugs bunny and taz from Looney Tunes characters available in a beautiful diaper cake.
Custom diaper cakes made to order. You can choose the colors, characters, and what you would like on your custom made diaper cake.
Gifts for new parents and newborn babies.
None at the present time.
Hoping to recieve some in the near future

Business Description

Custom made diaper cakes for babyshowers or gifts. Some diaper cakes already made for immediate purchase or have one custom made. You choose the colors, characters and what you would like to see on the diaper cake.

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