Pancake Cottage

615 Crescent Ave
Avalon, CA 90704
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Traditional American

Customer Reviews (5 reviews)


on Yahoo Aug 20, 2009
Great food, quick service, not bad price-wise for Catalina. Something for everyone on the breakfast menu, makes a choice difficult. They served my maple syrup warm, which scored big in my book, and my coffee cup was... (more)


on Yahoo Feb 25, 2009
If there were more than 5-stars I would award them to The Pancake Cottage. We were taken care of by Muriel, she says like the cigar - don't call her White Owl, wrong cigar. She is EXCELLENT and Lou was great too. He... (more)


on Yahoo Dec 31, 2008
Great breakfasts. Been going to Pancake Cottage for many years. (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Feb 08, 2008
Arriving upon Catalina Island this was the place my husband and I decided to have a nice breakfast. Just like any old breakfast joint you h... (more)

Lisa m

on Yahoo May 11, 2007
This is the Best Breakfast place: Hello everyone (more)

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