Pimeria Alta Historical Society and Museum

136 N.Grand Ave.
Nogales, AZ 85621
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Historical society, museum, archives, Salvador Corona murals, Heritage Home Tour, Camp Little, Day of the Dead Nogales cemetery tour, nativity scenes, Daily Herald, Nogales International, Oasis Newspaper, United States-Mexico border
Information on the history of the area local attractions, and tourist information.
Arizona Historical Society

Business Description

The Pimeria Alta Historical Society and Museum is located one block north of the U.S./Mexico border in Nogales, AZ. The museum has a research library and rotating displays on the history of southern Arizona and northern Mexico. The collections include murals by Salvador Corona, archived editions of the Nogales International, Daily Herald, and Oasis newspapers, and an extensive photography collection. Annual events include the Heritage Home Tour, a Children's History Summer School, the Day of the Dead tour at the historic Nogales Cemetery, and a Christmas Nacimiento/Nativity display.

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