Safety & Inspection LLC

Business Information
tower climbers, copper, grounding, cell tower, gas and oil, equipment, utility, power company, electric company, gas line ground, tower ground, pole ground, powerline, drilling, pressure washing, service, degreasing, rig washing, oil rig washing, equipment degreasingrig washing, gas and oil field services, drilling rig washing, rig degreasing, equipment degreasing, cell phone tower Services, Pole setting, inspection, oil & gas field grounding, utility company grounding, pole-barrier installation, protect employees from static electricity, cell phone tower climbers, wind mill equipment installation, tower equipment removal, cell phone tower services, tower work, electrical equipment
rig washing, gas and oil equipment washing, equipment degreasing, drilling equipment degreasing, degreasing product, Cell phone equipment installation, tower equipment removal, The Oil & Gas sector relies on the efficient transportation, handling and processing of many hazardous and highly flammable chemical products. These operations generate hazardous levels of static electricity. The first line of defense for catastrophic ignition and explosions is proper grounding & static control measures. Safety & Inspection LLC provides thorough system grounding maintenance services including pole ground replacement and Pole-Barrier installation. Our field specialists inspect, catalog, and replace or repair missing and damaged grounds. Depending on our customers specific needs, we will re-install copper grounds or install high tension corrosion resistant steel grounds. Pole ground theft has become an issue for most utility companies, but the use of steel grounds virtually eliminates copper theft in most applications.cell phone tower Services, Pole setting, inspection, oil & gas field grounding, utility company grounding, pole-barrier installation, protect employees from static electricity, cell phone tower climbers, wind mill equipment installation, tower equipment removal, cell phone tower services, tower work, electrical equipment
Gas & Oil, drilling, marcellus shale, degreaser, degreasing, degreaser, degreasing product, Utility, Dominion, Penelec, Cooperatives, Radio tower, Cell phone tower, public services
Clearfield county, marcellus shale, electric utility, drilling industry
Safety & Inspection LLC
Business Description
Safety & Inspection LLC provides thorough system grounding maintenance services, rig washing, gas and oil field equipment washing, and products. Grounding maintenance including pole ground replacement and Pole-Barrier installation. Our field specialists inspect, catalog, and replace or repair missing and damaged grounds. Depending on our customers specific needs, we will re-install copper grounds or install high tension corrosion resistant steel grounds. Pole ground theft has become an issue for most utility companies, but the use of steel grounds virtually eliminates copper theft in most applications.
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