Southwest Mexican Tile Murals

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mexican hand painted tiles, mexican tile murals, mexican tile tuscon, arizona tile tuscon, az tile

Business Description

Let us help beautify your home or business in Tucson, AZ with the purchase and installation of authentic hand painted Mexican tile murals to either your inside or outside walls. Southwest Mexican Tile Murals, LLC. offers over a hundred styles of hand painted murals to fit your tastes. These mural paintings fall into seven style categories to include: 1) Village Scenes, 2) Portraits, 3) Religious Murals, 4) Mexican Symbols, and 5-7) Still Life murals (Flowers, Fruits, Animals). View these styles by clicking on any of the groups to the right. Prices and sizes are shown for each mural. Sizes vary from 8" X 4" to 56" to 40" with the typical being 36"X 28".

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