StMartins HealthCare

15709 Ruby rd se
Oldtown, MD 21555

Fax: 347-732-5307
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Business Information

To provide quality healthcare to all patients in a professional and caring manner
Healthcare Management, Vision, Leadership and Strategic Alliances,Growth/Development Strategy and Value Analysis,Staff Development and Employee Relations
24 hrs Emergency Room,
St Martin Health Care Hospital,Oldtown MD.Chief Executive Officer (2010 - Present) Lafayette General Surgical Hospital, Lafayette, LA Administrator (February 2007 - 2010) Dauterive Hospital, New Iberia, LA Ethics and Compliance Officer (No

Business Description

Mr Roger Piper grew up in St Martinville, Louisiana and is one of the twelve children of Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Piper. He obtained her Masters of Science degree in Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation from Arizona State University in 1994. Mr Roger Piper was an employee of Dauterive Hospital in New Iberia for 15 years were she was the Vice President of Outpatient Services and Corporate Compliance. In 2006, He joined the Maryland General Medical Center Executive Team as the Administrator of Maryland General Surgical Hospital. Mr.Roger is now serves at the CEO of St Martin Health Care Hospital he is looking forward to bringing new lines of service and continued hospital growth to the local community.

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