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Business Information
tao, taoist priest, daoist priest, three pure ones, qi gong, chi gong, tao te ching, temple, medical qi gong, tai chi training, bagwah training, healingtaoist weddings,funerals,healings ,priest ordination ,training in secret taoist healing practices,weekly and monthly taoist rituals for immortal worship
taoist weddings,funerals,healings ,priest ordination ,training in secret taoist healing practices,weekly and monthly taoist rituals for immortal worship
Business Description
the temple of the three pure ones.is a place of worship and sancutary bringing taoism to the west and helping people find the true self and find their happiness in understanding themselves as part of the one which is everyone as a whole.healing and taoist ritual being offered that comes from over 3000 years of lineage.
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