The Kids Wearhouse

2130 S Atlantic Blvd
Monterey ParkCA 91754
The Kids Wearhouse - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

4-Kids Clothes, The Kids Wearhouse, children's clothing, accessories, shoes, underclothes, tutus, pettiskirts, Hello Kitty clothing, toddler clothing, infant clothing, infant underclothes, Rashti & Rashti, Nannette, Carters, baby shower gift sets, gift certificates, headbands, hats
Childrens clothing, accesories, shoes, under clothes, hand made accessories, tutus, pettiskirts, toddler sets, infant sets, infant clothing, fashion tween clothing, baby shower gift sets
Custom Hand Made Hair Accessories (Retail/Wholesale), Gift Cards, Gift Wrapping, Expedited Shipping

Business Description

The Kids Wearhouse is family-owned and operated in Monterey Park, CA. We were founded in 1986 and initially started as 4-Kids Clothes. We have continued to grow and have now developed into a company that brings our customers the highest quality products at affordable prices. Our mission is to bring personal experience as parents and as children to carry products catered to meeting all of your fashion needs. We also look forward to carrying more and more American products to promote private business development here in the United States.

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