The Mind Shadows Trilogo

The Mind Shadows Trilogo - Homestead Business Directory

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popular fiction books, captivating books, fantasy books, fantasy trilogies, fantasy trilogy, best paranormal books, books for Bible study, paranormal trilogy
The Mind Shadow Trilogy: The Sleeper, The Messenger, The Message

Business Description

?Welcome to Mind Shadows, where you will find ‘adventure beyond life’ with our popular fiction books. What we see around us every day, what we bump into, the things that we experience, are but shadows or faint glimpses of true reality. This life is so brief and temporary although we live as if it lasts forever and eternity will never come. The adventures of Mind Shadows, both the website and the captivating books, will peel back the illusion of this life and give you a look at what is really going on what is really to come.

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