Therapeutic Calm
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Business Information
Therapeutic Calm, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Holistic Therapy, Complementary Therapy, Meridians, Magnets, Psychology, Touch for Health, Applied KinesiologyYoung Living Essential Oils
Health Kinesiology Aromatherapy
International Headquarters of Health Kinesiology
HK 1-5 Modules
MONDAY | : | 10:00AM | - | 4:00PM |
THURSDAY | : | 10:00AM | - | 8:30PM |
FRIDAY | : | 2:00PM | - | 8:30PM |
Business Description
Each HK session is customized the client's needs in the very moment. It uses muscle testing and the 14 primary meridians of acupuncture to bring the mind and body back into balance, therefore relieving stress and tension.
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