
Fax: 252 9729840
TIPS INC - Homestead Business Directory

Business Information

church, counseling, coaching, mentoring, self-esteem, conflict resolution, parents, teenagers, pre-teens, groups, nurturing, relationships
girls between ages 8-19 and parents,
coaching, mentoring, support groups
Certified Victim Service Practitioner, Licensed Clinical Addiction Specialists-A

Business Description

To nurture & build healthier relationships between parents and daughters and or caretakers and young girls between the ages of 8-19. To partner with the parents to assist with strengthening the bond with their daughters in addition to celebrating their attributes via private and group coaching sessions. Goals To establish healthier enriching relationships for young girls, their parents and or caretakers. To promote positive self-image, social and emotional development for girls by assisting with making positive choices and effectively interrupting self-destructive behaviors. To assist parents in becoming better equipped to support their daughters, celebrate victorious milestones, strengthen their relationships while identifying and eliminating barriers. Vision Parents who receive assistance from our program will develop a lifelong healthy relationship with their daughters. Young girls who receive assistance from our program will develop lifelong positive self-image, self-worth and sustain healthy relationships with their parents.

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