A W Thorne Land and Cattle, Inc.
435707 E0370 Rd
Adair, OK 74330
Adair, OK 74330
Fax: 918-783-5477

Business Information
Angus cattle, Simmental cattle for sale, livestock for sale, club calves for sale, club calves in Oklahoma, show steers, show heifers, show cattle for sale, bulls, heifers, cows, steers, ranches in Oklahoma, Oklahoma ranches, breeding cattle for sale, breeding bullsBreeding bulls, bred and open females, semen and embryos
American Maine-Anjou Association American Simmental Association American Angus Association
American Angus Association, American Maine-Anjou Association, American Simmental Association, Braunvieh Association of America, American Chianina Association, Oklahoma Cattlemen Association,
Show breeder of the year numerous times
Business Description
Located in northeast Oklahoma. Offering breeding bulls, bred and open females, semen and embryos. Simmental, Angus and Maine-Anjou Cattle offered for sale private treaty at the ranch.
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