Tresie's Pizza & Sub Shop

4000 Jefferson Pike
Jefferson, MD 21755
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Pizza, Restaurants

Customer Reviews (3 reviews)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Nov 21, 2008
I really like the pizza at Tressie's. It is served hot and fresh and made just how you ordered it. The service was friendly and our order wa... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Sep 17, 2008
Tresie's gets 3 stars for having good pizza and for really being the only place to eat in Jefferson. It is located at the corner of Rt. 180... (more)


on Citysearch Nov 28, 2005
Tresie's is a pizza and sub shop primarily catering to the carry-out bsuiness. They have the best pizza in all of Frederick County. Their dough is made fresh and their ingredients are all of the highest... (more)

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