Page's Books
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Book Dealers-used & Rare, Second Hand StoresSecond Hand Goods
Customer Reviews (11 reviews)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Feb 14, 2010Great Store, great service, and great prices! This is where I purchase 90% of my books :) There are times when I get books that are still on... (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Oct 02, 2009My family and I have been to Pages Books a few times. We never walk out empty handed and the staff is extremely helpful. The last time we ... (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Aug 18, 2009I love this little book store. You can turn in books that are in good condition to earn book credit. They have a wish list for books you'd l... (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Aug 15, 2009They have a great book credit system. You take books in and get credit towards future purchases. They have a wonderful selection of soft and... (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Jun 30, 2008I love pages I can find whatever I need and they are the best because I do get a call when I ask for a book on my wish list. They have a... (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Feb 11, 2008I have been frequenting this store for over 15 years. Yes, it's been around that long! They've moved a couple of times - but I ALWAYS find... (more)
M. H. B.
on Judys Book Sep 29, 2007I am a Pages Bookstore customer and have shopped there for eight years. I love shopping there because of the great selection to choose from. Lots and lots of really quality books, so you are getting a great bargain for... (more)
Byron P.
on Judys Book Sep 25, 2007Pages is great, it has a good selection of books, nice people, generous trade policies and all the books are in good condition. If the the books aren't in good condition she doesn't take them. Ive shopped at the store... (more)
CatBook R.
on Judys Book Jan 19, 2007Pages Books defaces the bottom of their books with their ugly store stamp. I asked the owner about this and she said she does this so she doesn't buy back books she sold already. [Huh? If the book sold once, why wouldn't... (more)
Deborah C.
on Judys Book Apr 16, 2006This store is great. It has plenty of used books and something for everyone. There are kids books, fiction, non fiction, self help, travel, cookbooks, spirituality, religion, paperbacks, hardbacks, you name it... (more)
Emily S.
on Judys Book Aug 21, 2005Features used books as well as some new products. In a bright new setting in Old Town Silverdale, upstairs from the Lighthouse Cafe & Wine Bar. Bring in your already-read, no-longer-want paperbacks,... (more)