First Christian Church
415 N Mill St
Festus, MO 63028
Festus, MO 63028

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ChurchesChristian Churches
Customer Reviews (34 reviews)
on Citysearch Jan 17, 2010I have yet to attend this church, but at the urging of my life partner I will make the necessary donations this congregation requires. Brian changed my life, I want to live a perfect life and be exactly like Jesus... (more)
on Citysearch Nov 21, 2009Shame on this church for being very misleading in a recent newspaper article. They stated that they were going to be open on a certain saturday for some type of fund raiser. I drove by there to see becuase i was going to... (more)
on Citysearch Oct 26, 2009I recently visited this church and was highly dissapointed. I felt that the minister did not really have the call to preech. It seemed to me that when she was preeching she was reading it it from a script rather than... (more)
on Citysearch Oct 02, 2009I remember when they dropped my friend from their prayer list (reference the member's comment below), and it hurt him and his family so deeply. Even though this family had decided to leave for very important reasons... (more)
on Citysearch Sep 21, 2009I had a friend who went to this church. It is sad to see what it has become. I can see clearly now why they left after reading some of your members and minsiters own comments. Just because someone leaves your congregation... (more)
leona smith70
on Citysearch Aug 31, 2009I hope and pray that the members of this church will come to really know jesus christ one day. It sounds like after reading some of these member's own reviews on certain subjects is that they are taking gods words and... (more)
on Citysearch Aug 15, 2009My name is mr. faulkner, i recently wrote a comment on this churches review. There member stated that i do not exsist. That shows you how well they no the area. They really must be hurting to attack peoples reviews on an... (more)
on Citysearch Aug 10, 2009i pray for this little church every day. It seems to me after coming across this site looking for a new church this one had alot of reviews. im sorry to say most of them are bad. It seems to me after reading some of these... (more)
on Citysearch Aug 08, 2009at one point this church was a nice church. somewhere they lost touch with the scripture. That is one of the reasons we left. im really ill and needed to be uplifted not feeling down everytime we left church. you need to... (more)
on Citysearch Aug 07, 2009what type of a minister goes onto cityseach and gives herself 5 stars and a glowing review. It is obvious that she is so desperate for members that she has to advertise on an opinon website. This right here tells me all i... (more)
on Citysearch Aug 06, 2009after reading some of these reviews on this church and what there minister and congregation believe how can they call themselves a christian church. They go against everything a true christian church stands for. it... (more)
on Citysearch Aug 06, 2009The negative reviews published in the last few months of First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Festus, Missouri, seem to all be coming from a small group of people. These could be a few who left last year... (more)
on Citysearch Aug 05, 2009I have never heard of such a strange group of people calling themselves believers in all of my life. Every one of you need to realize that true believers are salt and light. How can you lead people out of their sin and into... (more)
on Citysearch Aug 05, 2009Amen on this previous comment. If these people let anoyone in there church without trying to save them and accepting there sin no matter what the sin, they are not obeying gods word. you have to be saved and then you are a... (more)
on Citysearch Aug 05, 2009I am so thankful for this church. I have committed several sins in the passed and now i can worshp here and do not have to worry about being saved. according to these people they will welcome my kind openly no matter what... (more)
on Citysearch Jul 27, 2009Its is obvious to me visiting this site looking for a church in the festus/crystal city area that this church only wants you to believe what they want. How do you know your way is the right way. Has anyone of your members... (more)
on Citysearch Jul 26, 2009shame on these people for not accepting the publics opinions. if you were a business owner and someone made a comment about your business i would learn from it and try to change, not run the public down just because they... (more)
on Citysearch Jul 25, 2009it is very concerning how this church is misquoting the bible. I recently moved to the area.and found this website hoping to find a nice church. I came across this church and its obvious to me that this church does not... (more)
on Citysearch Jul 24, 2009Wow! I must admit that I was surprised and somewhat saddened by the opinions of some anonymous critics of this church, of which I am a member. I would urge everyone to reach your opinions about this church from the... (more)
on Citysearch Jul 23, 2009thank you for allowing my kind to come to your church. After reading your members review i will highly encourage all of my people to come! thank you for allwoing us to visit this gay-friendly church... (more)
on Citysearch Jul 21, 2009Frankly, when I came across citysearch tonight looking for a church to try, I thought it was strange all of this bickering back and forth on a customer review site. After all, the point of this site is for people to... (more)
on Citysearch Jul 21, 2009i have never seen so many people writing about one church. however, it is very concerning to what these members do believe. has most conservative christians feel these people our way off base! I to was looking for a... (more)
on Citysearch Jul 17, 2009to the person who wrote this letter. . It is obvious that this church does not understand the bible and better pray that god will not destroy this church. Has a christian this is very concerning.... (more)
on Citysearch Jul 15, 2009this person has not read the bible. We have all committed sins but homosexuality is clearly the biggest sin in the bible. From what has been said by the public and pictures from the internet. I only saw six kids in the... (more)
on Citysearch Jul 15, 2009I agree with Mr. Cornish. The negative reviews seem to have a common source, the mistaken perception that we "advocate" same-sex relations. The Bible says very little about same-sex relations.... (more)
on Citysearch Jul 14, 2009I am amazed as to how quickly people make judgements. This church is deeply rooted in the Bible. The core of the church is devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Bible study is the bed rock of the church. Every sermon is... (more)
on Citysearch Jul 09, 2009shame on this doris person. It clearly states in the bible that homosexuality is a sin. How can they call this a christian church when they do not readt the bible! (more)
on Citysearch Jul 08, 2009All people are accepted as God's children - regardless of race, gender or sexual preference. I'm sorry if you had a bad experience or were there on a day when the young families weren't in attendance - I hope you'll come... (more)
on Citysearch May 26, 2009This church used to be a nice place to worship but now it just makes me sick to see what it has become. If you are looking for a Bible-believing church this is NOT IT. (more)