Advanced Plastic Surgery Ctr
1635 N George Mason Dr # 380
Arlington, VA 22205
Arlington, VA 22205
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Physicians & SurgeonsMONDAY | : | 9:00AM | - | 5:00PM |
TUESDAY | : | 9:00AM | - | 5:00PM |
WEDNESDAY | : | 9:00AM | - | 5:00PM |
THURSDAY | : | 9:00AM | - | 5:00PM |
FRIDAY | : | 9:00AM | - | 5:00PM |
SATURDAY | : | CLOS | - | |
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Customer Reviews (23 reviews)
Sebastian T.
on Judys Book Aug 01, 2011My very large breast size is unpleasant for me. I was a little upset about it so I decided to undergo breast reduction treatment. Dr. Erica Anderson and Dr. Munasifi took care of me throughout pre and post operation.... (more)
Mike J.
on Judys Book Jul 30, 2011The unsightly excessive tissue on my upper arms put me in humiliating situations especially when having to wear a dress. I didn't want to suffer anymore from this. That's when I decided to undergo surgical procedure... (more)
Vinnie G.
on Judys Book Jul 17, 2011The Advanced Plastic Surgery Center helped me to come with firmer and bigger breasts. With the help of Dr. Erica Anderson, the whole course of surgical procedures for breast enlargement pursuit is carried out safer... (more)
Carole G.
on Judys Book Jul 07, 2011The unsightly excessive tissue on my upper arms put me to humiliating situations. I don't want to suffer anymore from this. That's why, I decided to undergo surgical procedure particularly the so-called Arm Lift.... (more)
Gregory R.
on Judys Book Jun 30, 2011I admit, I'm flabby but what makes the scenario drastic and tragic is that this obesity becomes an issue in my entire life. I want to shed off the excess fats but diet plans can't help. I want to remove the unsightly and... (more)
Ray R.
on Judys Book Jun 17, 2011I want to preserve my youthful elegance and glare. But, how could I? I'm turning fifty the next month and the lines and wrinkles in my face are very visible. But with Botox Cosmetic, everything is undertaken with... (more)
Melvin L.
on Judys Book Jun 13, 2011It's quite annoying for men to have enlarged and overdeveloped breasts. Like most of men out there, having oversize breasts is somewhat demeaning. With this, I seek out for several treatments and I was held to Dr.... (more)
Abigael J.
on Judys Book Jun 03, 2011Due to acne scars, my face looks so unsightly. I want to regain my youthful look. With this, I decided to undergo VI Peel to revitalize facial skin. The peel works effectively and reveals sleek and youthful appearance... (more)
Abigail O.
on Judys Book May 24, 2011My belly looks burdensome. I can't bear anymore the fats accumulated in it. I decided to undergo liposuction and of course I want the procedures to be carried out in the safest way. I then opted to visit the Advanced... (more)
Phoenix M.
on Judys Book May 17, 2011Due to the unpleasant appearance of my breast, I then decided to undergo breast reduction and want to undertake all the procedures with a skilled surgeon. Advanced Plastic Surgery has been my counterpart in... (more)
Manuel B.
on Judys Book May 09, 2011After giving birth to my second child, I could hardly get rid of unsightly stretch marks on my abdomen. With this, I was told about Abdominoplasty which is a means of removing the uneven stretch marks through a state of... (more)
Oscar S.
on Judys Book May 02, 2011I am pleased with the result of Fraxel technology that brings various impacts on my aesthetic. Now, the wrinkles that made me look old and unattractive diminished. Fraxel technology gives birth to new me. I feel more... (more)
Thomas A.
on Judys Book Apr 26, 2011I'm really grateful for the treatment done by Dr.Erica Anderson, the Microdermabrasion really shave off the years and preserved the youthful glow of my face. It further removed the acne marks making my face more... (more)
Michael N.
on Judys Book Apr 21, 2011I always seek out for ways to enhance the aesthetic of my nose. Like others out there who opt to become more beautiful, I feel the same way too. I immediately made an appointment with Dr. Erica Anderson and agreed to... (more)
Stephen P.
on Judys Book Apr 14, 2011I came into a predicament of taking into account the renowned method called hair removal. I started to seek out for reliable plastic surgeon and I came into the point of visiting the Advanced Plastic Surgery center.... (more)
Maurice A.
on Judys Book Apr 08, 2011Due to the excessive fats in my thighs, they look so unattractive. That's why I decided to undergo Thigh Lift wherein in just a matter of minutes or so, one can have youthful and pleasing body contour.... (more)
Peter D.
on Judys Book Apr 02, 2011Due to the fact that I could hardly sleep at night and my work demands me to stay awake at night, my eyelids appear darker, tired and swollen. With this, I thought the only way out is to undertake an eyelid surgery to... (more)
Berkly W.
on Judys Book Mar 29, 2011I know that any forms of surgical operations entail pain and fear. But when I decided to have it done with Dr. Erica Anderson, I was calmed from fears. I undergone face lift and all I can utter is that the enhancement is... (more)
Alric R.
on Judys Book Mar 27, 2011Before, I?m so skeptical whether or not to undergo surgical procedure. I know for a fact that the whole course of actions entails delicate and complex processes. With this, I don?t rush into a predicament of having... (more)
Alton M.
on Judys Book Mar 22, 2011The Advanced plastic Surgery seemed to be the answer to my quest. I want to restore the youthful appearance that I have before. I want to look younger. I want to stay gorgeous. That?s why; I visited Dr. Erica Anderson... (more)
Arie S.
on Judys Book Mar 11, 2011For me being having youthful beauty and perfect body isn?t that hard with some surgical procedures. You know, I?m very much concerned when it comes to my physique and looks. I want to look even younger despite my age.... (more)
Arleta W.
on Judys Book Mar 07, 2011Perhaps, beauty is one of the timely necessities in today?s generation. Thousands of women today are becoming addicted to beautification processes or even dare to opt for surgical procedures just to maintain... (more)
Vicki M.
on Judys Book Mar 01, 2011Like women out there, being gorgeous and sexy is what I aimed for. And I want to stay and look young despite my age now. That?s why; I found plastic surgery as the ultimate resort in restoring my youthful beauty.... (more)