Calypso Bay Stables Ii
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StablesEquestrian Activities
Customer Reviews (21 reviews)
on Citysearch Nov 05, 2008Want to see what Calypso Bay Stables is all about? Check out the website at calypsobaystabledotcom. Don't write the word dot, but put the dot in. Enjoy. (more)
on Citysearch Oct 29, 2008Some of the negative posts here are completely without merit. But then again some people only see the world through a lifetime of horse muck and negativity. Here is my honest observations and experience. Looking to... (more)
on Citysearch Jul 23, 2008I have been to many stables in the area and Calypso Bay is by far THE BEST...the facilities are immaculate and the rates are completely and totally competitive. The prices are right along with the current prices of hay... (more)
on Citysearch Mar 31, 2008This facility makes great use of the limited space available in the Largo area. Grounds are immaculate and horses are cared for. I have been at many top "A" show barns and this one could give them a run for their money on... (more)
on Citysearch Dec 28, 2007Is your horse without personality or energy? Is your horse perfectly behaved? Does your horse just stand in the turnout instead of trotting about? Trotting or cantering within the $35.00 extra 1-2 hour turn-out... (more)
on Citysearch Nov 05, 2007Nothing like listening to the "Barn Manager and Assistant manager" yell at your horse for being a horse and then remind you to be a better owner. Yup, Calypso is about stroking the staff. It has little to do with the... (more)
on Citysearch Oct 15, 2007We are a FAMILY barn. We ALL chip in to do the chores 7 days a week. That is what a FAMILY does. The workers really don't make that much money. A family helps one another. The owners work hard at making this the best barn in... (more)
on Citysearch Aug 22, 2007Calypso is a great place to board for trail riders, especially those who believe in natural horsemanship! No, they don't have a trainer on staff..... A TRAINER is defined as someone who can teach a HORSE equitation... (more)
on Citysearch Jul 31, 2007Excellent care of horses with wonderful trainers. The manager is always there to help you with your horse or any questions. Beautiful grounds with a large grazing area and grass turnouts. My horse couldn't be... (more)
on Citysearch Jul 13, 2007Lots of opinions, ridiculous rules and no knowledge. 22 year old barn manager is the resident self-proclaimed trainer. Boarders who clean their own stalls leaving little for the "manager" to clean up are popular.... (more)
on Citysearch Jul 04, 2007Why someone is putting such malicious postings on this site about this stable is beyond me. This person keeps threatening to leave, so why don't you just leave the stable? If you are so miserable, why are you staying at... (more)
on Citysearch Jun 01, 2007We looked at a lot of stables in Pinellas county and this was by far the best. It's well-maintained, with friendly, professional staff and owners. You are not forced to show if you don't want to, and you have access to... (more)
on Citysearch May 30, 2007We at Calypso need to reflect on what we say and do to people. No wonder people are angry with us. Our overall attitude is "our way or the highway". Live and let live I say. Too many picky rules and tearing others apart... (more)
on Citysearch May 28, 2007I board at Calypso Bay stables and I can not agree with the people who wrote negative comments.I think that it is the best barn that I have ever boarded at.Thanks to the staff, my horse gets treated very well.I think that... (more)
on Citysearch May 28, 2007I board at Calypso Bay Stables and find the management and staff show great concern for the horses. My horse gets the best care I could possibly ask for! This Stable is not a show barn and has not claimed to be one but... (more)
on Citysearch May 28, 2007I currently board my horse at Calypso Bay. It is clean s s (more)
on Citysearch May 28, 2007It is hard to understand the negative postings, but then are are always some bad apples. You get what you give and personally I have had a great experience. All aspirations are welcome, but poor horse care is not... (more)
on Citysearch May 25, 2007OWNERS Ask for Donations for a clubhouse. It is funny. Drive in in their Jaguar. A for-profit business.... Management now complaining to boarders that boarders didn't give enough money toward the half-built... (more)
on Citysearch May 20, 2007Staff is lazy and self centered. Your horse is the least of their focus. Manager's focus: MAKE THIS A SHOW BARN.....Right. No actual show horses on the premises. Start by cleaning the stalls! Staff will actually put... (more)
on Citysearch May 13, 2007PAID FOR FULL BOARD as you can' t come by and clean up after your horse every night? Forget it at Calypso. Actually on two bulliten boards is a reminder to ALL boarders (about 90 % are full boarders) to pick up manure in... (more)
Danelle E.
on Judys Book Aug 20, 2005We have a horse and in Florida it's hard to find a good place to board your horse that's inexpensive. My mom decided to board her horse here for location and decent prices. They have problems with the help there. We paid... (more)