Calvary Chapel Worship Ctr

6825 Trouble Creek Rd
New Port Richey, FL 34653
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Customer Reviews (14 reviews)

Guest G.

on Judys Book Aug 31, 2010
"He was despised and rejected of men..He came unto His own,and His own received him not..." I noticed that one of the Pastor's best friends was a little 3' Midget who couldn't even talk. I have set in the back ,as an old... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Aug 31, 2009
I have been attending this church for going on 5 years now and I LOVE IT!! The Lead Pastor is an AWESOME teacher!! If you are looking for... (more)

Guest G.

on Judys Book Jun 30, 2009
I'm so glad my husband and I found this church. Prior to attending, we were about to start divorce proceedings. Everything now, has changed. My husband accepted Jesus and is a completely different person. I am... (more)

Guest G.

on Judys Book Jun 09, 2009
This church is great, the pastor is not afraid of preaching the truth as it is. The church is making a difference in the community through all it's different ministries. We all have our own personal taste when it comes... (more)

Guest G.

on Judys Book May 05, 2009
I am concerned about the fact that the pastors in charge have free reign to spend money the way they want. I have been told( by a pastor)that money earmarked for a particular ministry, say to go to missions, doesn't mean... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Apr 05, 2009
I have attended this church for three years now and when I first went I also found the music louder than I was accustomed however after seve... (more)

Guest G.

on Judys Book Jan 26, 2009
Yes, the service is entertaining, the music LOUD but foot-stomping good, but if you have a discerning spirit you've got to know what it's all about. The minister puts on a good show, gets the emotions stirred which... (more)

Guest G.

on Judys Book Sep 13, 2008
Charletons are born everyday and this church certainly has a good one! It doesn't take too many visits to figure out what this pastor is about. Can we all say money? Yes they have talented musicians, gifted singers and... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Sep 12, 2008
I attended this church enough times to get a feel for what was happening there. It was run like a business, not a church. Sitting in the c... (more)

caroline g.

on Judys Book Aug 13, 2007
The church is meeting folks where they are...addressing the needs of families (married, single, widowed, etc) There are programs for all ages. Tuesday - small groups at 7pm, Thursday - service at 7pm (you can eat... (more)

Jessica M.

on Judys Book Sep 20, 2006
I have been to CCWC a few times when I was younger and now I go every service. I enjoy every part of the services. By looking around, you can just see the outpouring love and faith in everyone. It is so uplifting and just a... (more)

Len S.

on Judys Book Jun 24, 2006
We have a church near us that is trying something new. They have 3 services on a Sunday and each service has over 1500 people attend. They have loud music and there must be over 200 singers on the stage and over a dozen... (more)

Susan S.

on Judys Book Oct 29, 2005
This is like no other church. The band and choir fill the entire stage. Probably around a 100 people. The first 30 minutes is loud music and singing. After we had been twice we found we enjoyed this.The Paster then talks... (more)

Citysearch User

on Citysearch Jun 22, 2005
We have always joined traditional churches. When we were invited to attend worship at this church, we were not prepared for the noise. T... (more)

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