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Top Sentiments among Vincent's Pizza Park Reviewers
Best tasting pizza Pittsburgh
Like tastes
Great tasting cheese
Fresh ingredients
Great double sausage
Good french
Tasty ingredients used
Great italian sausage
Incredible lunch buffet
Like tomato soup
Customer Reviews (86 reviews)
Guest G.
on Judys Book Oct 10, 2010been eating vinnies for 30 yrs its always a gamble if its going to be good the lady made me a bad one today sucks i was turning someone on to vincents first time pissed me off (more)
on Citysearch Apr 20, 2009I always go to the Vincen'ts in Plum - very friends, great pie. Grew up with the Vincen'ts in Forest Hills. I haven't been there in years and probably will never go back there again after my experience their... (more)
on Citysearch Mar 24, 2009what will you get , raw dough , burnt dough .you do not know. it cost a lot of dough, to find out. I QUIT !!!!!!!!! (more)
on Citysearch Dec 27, 2008The photo for Vincent's does not do the place any justice as the building has been painted and does not look that badly. There was only one waitress in the dining area, but an off-duty cheery employee decided to help out... (more)
on Citysearch Oct 22, 2008As previous posters have related, Vincents' in Forest Hills has completely fallen apart since Vince stopped running the business. The young guy (Vinces' son???) who answers the phone and makes the pies is just the... (more)
on Citysearch Oct 06, 2008The pizza is still okay, but the place is so dirty you can no longer eat there. It smelled so bad last time we had to leave. First we moved to a different table thinking it was a bad spot but, then we just left. The pizza was... (more)
on Citysearch Jul 28, 2008SInce Vincent the owner retired the place has gotten bad an worst every day. Its ashame because when Vincent was there the pizza was out of this world. Now its being run by his children an its terrible. they dont give a... (more)
on Citysearch Jun 01, 2008I have been to Vinny's many times and I used to enjoy their pizza but lately its been on the unedible side, it's been burnt or there is so much cheese (which sometimes is a good thing) but it doesn't seem cooked. Next is the... (more)
on Citysearch May 11, 2008We had heard of this pizza from friends, so we decided to try it out. My whole family loved it, there was so much, toppings pizza, everything. even the salad. I read on the reviews to make sure shelly was making the... (more)
on Citysearch May 04, 2008I'm very tired of spending my hard earned money in establishments that are less than coutious and unwilling to make amends when the give poor service or a poor quality of the product they sell. I've experienced this... (more)
on Citysearch Oct 20, 2007I grew up going to "Wednesday pizza nights" at my grandma's house with Vincents pizza. Nothing in the world compares to it. I usually eat healthy, but this is one exception I am more than willing to make because it is... (more)
on Citysearch Jul 06, 2007I've been to Vincent's and I've loved it every time. I've been living in Los Angeles for the last 11 years and they have no idea regarding good pizza. I'll write more soon, but I want to know, how can I get a pie delivered... (more)
on Citysearch Jul 06, 2007When I was a high school student in the Cleveland area in the early 1980s, a group of friends of mine and I would pile in a car and drive to get a Vinnie Pie, then pile a bunch of half-bakes in the trunk for the return trip... (more)
on Citysearch Feb 03, 2007I only get to the Burgh about once a year since moving to Miami, and I have to tell you that this is one of the first stops we make. You have to make at least one trip to Vincent's while visiting. The pizza crust is thick and... (more)
on Citysearch Jan 28, 2007We had heard great things, however we didn't really see where it measued up to our expectations. Service a little slow but cordial and accurate. The ingredients used are tasty if a bit copious, and the aroma is... (more)
on Citysearch Jan 03, 2007Vincent's Pizza Park has been my personal favorite pizza shop since moving to the eastern part of Pittsburgh. Here's why: 1. The shop is a neighborhood mecca. 2. The workers I've encountered are always charming... (more)
on Citysearch Nov 25, 2006Best pizza anywhere on the planet! I would be happily sacrifice relatives of mine to eat this pizza at Vinny's. (more)
on Citysearch Sep 24, 2006I grew up on Vinnie's pie, nobody made it better the him, since he has not been making the pizza, it was not as good, so i stopped going. Last week I decided to try it again, somebody told me he had a girl making the pizza's... (more)
on Citysearch Sep 04, 2006I've had pies in floida, boston, philly, chicago, nyc, maine, colorado, etc all over. and this pie takes THEM ALL. not a deep dish at all but SO THICK and yummy it will take a huge effort to get more than 2-3 slices in... (more)
on Citysearch Aug 28, 2006Okay, I am originally from the west coast, let us move on....... This pizza is seriously the BEST I have ever had! I have eaten pizza literally all over the world, and this is awesome. My family and I will only be in PA for... (more)
on Citysearch Aug 17, 2006This is pizza at its best. There's none of this measured-out, weighed and carefully placed look. This is not health food and makes no pretense to be. It's just good ingredients, lot of them and a great taste that's... (more)
Citysearch User
on Citysearch Jul 31, 2006This is the original Vincents Pizza! I've been eating Vincent's pizza since I was a kid. When we first started going there, it was Vincent himself making the pies. Some people quip that it is too greasy; be warned! This... (more)
on Citysearch Jul 18, 2006This pizza is SO GOOD that once I traveled for 12 hours from Wheeling WV to Saranac Lake NY with a very large suitcase on my lap because we had turned the trunk of the car into a make-shift "fridge" filled with dry ice in... (more)
on Citysearch Jul 03, 2006My first time eating this pizza was an end of the term "party" my teacher had for us. we picked up 2 pizzas and took them back to the school I went to. when I got home that night I told my wife we have to go there you will love... (more)
on Citysearch Jun 21, 2006If I were dying today and I could have a final meal, it would honestly be a Vincent's pizza. I am a former Pittsburgher and make a trip to Vinnie's every time I go back to Pittburgh. I have been going for over 20 years and my... (more)
on Citysearch Jun 07, 2006I've traveled to places all over the country for the last twenty years, and the first place I go when I come back into town is Vincent's. There is no other pizza worth mentioning. The world would be perfect if Vince built... (more)
on Citysearch Jun 01, 2006A hole in the wall place with a parking lot the size of a truck stop. The pizza is piled high in toppings and I mean literally. Watch out when ordering your size of pizza. I saw a couple come in, order a large pizza, eat a... (more)
on Citysearch May 27, 2006I was raised on NY pizza, and Vincents is NOT NY style, but it's wonderful and unique in all the world. IMPORTANT: you have to eat Vincent's pizzas AT Vincents, the take-out is not the same, they're cooked more and are... (more)
on Citysearch Dec 01, 2005Tried them all but found this Vincent's Pie the winner over all. (more)
on Citysearch Sep 19, 2005It's the greasiest pizza I've ever had, not something I wish to put in my body. (more)