You have finally decided on the breed of dog you want; now you need to find the best quality puppies for sale in your area. Most people still check ads in the local newspaper or go to a pet store. Buying from a reputable breeder is the best way to find a puppy.
To find a reputable breeder you need only look in one of the popular dog magazines. There are many advertisements for puppies of all kinds of breeds. There are also breed clubs across the country you can contact. The internet is a way to research breeds and find puppies for sale anywhere in the world.
Now you can start interviewing breeders. When you go to the breeders home check out the condition of the facilities used for the litter. Observe where the litter is located and its cleanliness factor. How the puppies have been socialized is also something important to find out. Ask if the puppies have been handled gently and consistently since their births. The parents of the litter should be friendly and clean.
A concerned breeder will have many questions for you to answer. They want their puppies to go to a good home and live a long and happy life. Questions about whether you know the particulars about this breed should come up. The breeder will want to know if you will have a fenced yard and adequate shelter. They will ask if the dog will be in the house and if you have children.
A contract should cover the responsibilities of both parties. A spay or neuter clause may also be in the contract. The contract should also have a return policy. One of the questions you should ask right off is about any health problems that come with the breed. If you have done your research you will already know the answer but it is a way to test if the breeder is being honest with you. You can ask for any certificates or reports on the parents health. You might want to know if there are any health and temperament guarantee s.
After everything is satisfactory with both parties it is time to pick the puppy. If one of the puppies seems ill then the whole litter should be avoided. The puppies should be active, outgoing and happy. There should be no sign of fear. If you follow these few pointers on how to find quality puppies for sale you should have many happy years together.
A Breeder Has the Best Quality Puppies For Sale
Art Gibb, freelance writer on behalf
of 4 M Kennels